Thursday, October 16, 2008

Welcome to Malaysia again..zzz

I have stopped posting things about Malaysia for quite a while now because the news that went around were just really crappy... but this news that I read today deserves to be posted for a special reason. Simply too crapppppppy!!!
Read here.

Police closed one of their beat base in one of the notorious downtown area because the policemen were feeling UNSAFE there!!

Harlooowww??? Police feeling UNSAFE, aren't you supposed to be making sure that those areas are SAFE??

I rest my case.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fruits of Labour

This morning, I have just taken ownership of a new car. It is the brand new Peugeot 407 by Nasim Sdn Bhd.

I have been wanting to buy a new car for a long long time. The plan has been postponed time and again due to other more important commitments that I have. Yup, the waiting was long but the end result is sweeeeet!!

I just love the car. This is the first brand new car that I own and I will definitely keep this for a while :)

Sony PSP

See this :

Yes, please envy me now. I won this in the HLB Online Contest. Just received the package this afternoon.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Malaysia Boleh!!

Yes, Malaysia Boleh!! We won a silver medal in Beijing Olympic all thanks to our local hero Lee Chong Wei. Eh.. sorry... it will be Datuk Lee Chong Wei very soon...

Not to undermine Lee's commitment and his contribution to the sports, but I think the recent fanfare is just plain too much. Read it here!!

Yes, I would agree that it is a great achievement, but look at the rewards that came pouring in. Datuk Lee has been given a reward money of RM300,000 and a pension award of RM3,000 per month for the rest of his life!!! On top of that, he will be conferred the Datukship by the Penang government. All for an Olympic SILVER MEDAL ONLY.

Too bad squash is still being left out of Olympic, otherwise Datul Nicol David would have been RM500k richer!! I personally think that Nicol's achievements in her sports outshine Lee's achievements. However the rewards that they have both received are so different! Nicol has only been given RM200,000 minus the lifetime pension fund for her win at the World Squash Open whilst mantaining her world number one ranking for months now! Read more about Nicol's here.

Also, Michael Phelps wished that he should have been a Malaysian. I seriously don't think Americans government will be so generous to him. In Malaysia he could easily become Datuk Michael Phelps, at least RM2 millions of reward and will be enjoying pension fund for the rest of his life some more! Afterall, he is now the greatest olympian with 8 records setting wins at the Beijing Olympic!! 8 gold medals x RM300k = RM2.4 millions minimum! World records some more so he will get couple of hundred thousands thrown in as extra.
Talk about sports "NEP" in Malaysia!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Afterthought - I Swear

This just crossed my mind. Next time, in Malaysia, if you want to sue somebody, you shouldn't recite the very dramatic line - I will see you in court!!!

Instead, we should Malaysianise it ->






I Swear, by the moon and the sun in the sky!

All 4 one, that is the famous boy band that sings the song I Swear.

A nice song, which the lyrics have been fully brought to life by our fellow Malaysian!! However the lyrics have been slightly modified for local content and please see what our local composser has to say about this.

So Mr PM, you're saying that by swearing on the religious text, the act will be sufficient to declare one's innocence?? Oh man, you must have great law makers advising you -> Guilty until swearing is done on religious text? So if I have committed a crime today, I hold on to a bible and swear that I didn't do it, it will be good enough to drop the case in court? Yes... no?? Why not throw all the judges out of the court rooms and filled them up with pastors and ulamas... I am very sure this will certainly improves the current efficiency of our judicial system and speed up all the proceedings. I am sure we will get zero convictions and all crooks can swear on their mother and father graves and promise not to be bad again......

Btw Mr PM, I never know that you're also a judge -> Abdullah reminded the people that Saiful was a victim in the issue. Victim?? Hrmm.. so no point lar asking DSAI to swear also, you already pronounced him the villian!

Friday, August 8, 2008

08-08-08 - 8th August 2008!!

Yes, today is the big day. The super duper auspicious day of the triple 8!! It's so auspicious that 238 couples have decided to tie the knot in the Klang Hokkien Association today!

It's so auspicious that the opening ceremory of the 29th Olympiad - 2008 Summer Olympic will be held today!